Sunday, June 15, 2008

There's No Place Like Home

The LOST quilt has found a home! It's hanging in my quilting room so I can look at it all the time and bask in the memories of Seasons 1-4!

It's next to part of my fabric stash --
a quilter never has enough fabric!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

It's Finished!

I finished working on my LOST-themed quilt! And I'm very proud of it. I included a lot of pictures in the post because I wanted to show you all the images I used. There are 96 "moments" and 48 "character" images plus the center logo.

The center of the quilt symbolizes the survivors surrounded by water since they're on an island. I quilted undulating lines to indicate the feel of water.

I quilted leaves in this border which, of course, symbolizes the jungle. I put the octagon shape in each corner.

Here are the major LOST characters from Seasons 1 -4

The moments from Season 1 -4 are on sand-colored fabric to symbolize the beach.

Lost Quilt Label

Here is the label for the Lost quilt. All quilters put a label on the back of their quilts: They usually have a title and the name of the quilter with a date. Additional information can be added like who the quilt was for and for what occasion. (For some reason, I don't know how to get the images up from Word. I put the Lost cast picture in the center, and a picture of a palm tree on an island on either side.) I wanted to put in some of the most notable quotes, some things that didn't work well in an image (for example, The Whispers), and the major themes of the show.


A devoted fan honors the television show “Lost” This quilt shows all the major characters and moments from Seasons 1 -4.

Designed and Quilted by

Bonnie Green

June, 2008

“If we can’t live together, we’re going to die alone.” “Do not mistake coincidence for fate.” - “Man of science, man of faith.” “Guys…where are we?” “Everything happens for a reason.” “Destiny is a fickle bitch.” “Don’t tell me what I can’t do.” “We’re the good guys.” “I’ll see you in another life, brotha.” “You have work to do.”

The Dharma Initiative - The Numbers: 4 8 15 16 23 42 – The Whispers – Orientation Films – The Others – The Hostiles – The Incident – Jacob’s List

Free Will/Fate – Good People/Bad People – Redemption and Rebirth – Father Issues

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Today I purchased the backing fabric for the LOST Quilt! I thought these palm trees were perfect!

I put the quilt "sandwich" together (top, batting and backing) and have started quilting it.