My friend at LostArgs, Anne, actually captured a picture of Damon Lindelof signing my quilt!
A devoted fan honors the television show “Lost” This quilt shows all the major characters and moments from Seasons 1 -4.
Designed and Quilted by
Bonnie Green
June, 2008
“If we can’t live together, we’re going to die alone.” “Do not mistake coincidence for fate.” - “Man of science, man of faith.” “Guys…where are we?” “Everything happens for a reason.” “Destiny is a fickle bitch.” “Don’t tell me what I can’t do.” “We’re the good guys.” “I’ll see you in another life, brotha.” “You have work to do.”
The Dharma Initiative - The Numbers: 4 8 15 16 23 42 – The Whispers – Orientation Films – The Others – The Hostiles – The Incident – Jacob’s List
Free Will/Fate – Good People/Bad People – Redemption and Rebirth – Father Issues