I was waiting in line at the Gallery1988 Lost Art Show on Melrose on December 15, 2009, and the LOST producers, Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, made an appearance! They both saw the quilt and I asked them to sign the label. Damon wrote: "Bonnie, The quilt is Love, Your constant, Damon" and Carlton signed his name. They both seemed pretty impressed with the quilt! I was in seventh heaven!
That is so awesome! I know that you are thrilled and proud. The photo of you holding quilt couldn't be more adorable. Congratulations!
That really is an amazing quilt. Nicely done! And it's so awesome that they signed it for you. I think Damon's personalized comment is so great! :)
super Maven! What a wonderful piece of LOST fandom you've made...and now with autographs too! WOW! Totally awesome!
Bonnie! I love your quilt and it is so great that Damon and Carlton signed it for you! Damon always comes up with the best things to say, doesn't he? Congrats!
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